Monday, August 13, 2012

Molly: 9 Months

These monthly posts are really flying by! I remember those first couple months they seemed so far a part but these days they are happening before we know it!

We have hit 9 Months! Nine months in and now Nine months out. Unreal. This week is 39 weeks and I had her at 39 weeks and 3 days. It still feels like yesterday.

I guess time flies when you are having fun. And we are having some serious fun around here.

We had a few big firsts this month. She is now giving full on kisses. They are the best thing ever. We say "kisses!" and she leans in and gives little open mouth slobbery kisses...sometimes she sneaks in the tongue as well. I love them. She is also waving and she has started clapping on occasion. So cute.

She went swimming in a big pool for the first time this month. I was a little worried because she doesn't love her baby pool but she had a blast. She instantly loved it. She splashes and plays. Its a lot of fun.

The girl knows what she wants and has developed quite the little whine when she isn't getting it. We aren't sure exactly how to curb that at this point since she doesn't understand No so we just try to redirect her to something different. It works 70% of the time.

Her sleep is going really well, she finally started sleeping through the night. We are thoroughly enjoying that. Its nice to get a full night of uninterrupted sleep.

Eating continues to go great, she hasn't found a food she doesn't like and blueberries are her favorite thing in the world!

Being her parents is such a blast and we are soaking up these latest months. Watching our lil baby turn into a "big" girl is a trip. I wish sometimes it would slow down but the ride we are on is pretty fantastic.

Happy 9 Months baby girl. We love you so much.


Stats: {official}
Weight- 16lbs 8oz {10%}

Height- 27 1/2" {50%}
Head- 16 1/2" {5%}

Wearing almost all 6-9mo and some 6-12mo(Baby Gap). She moved up to size 3 diapers.

Pulling things out of her box
Unloading the dog toys
Bouncing up and down
Trying to stand up on her own (w/out pulling up on something)

Riding in the car (this one went away and now its back)
Being removed from a situation
Not getting her way (not a good sign for the teenage years)
Not being able to reach something






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