Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Baby # 2 (and a blog comeback)

Hello again. Its been awhile. 

Back towards the beginning of the year I decided the blog was not where I wanted to put my energy. I found myself really struggling to find things to write about. Our lives were just not that exciting, nothing crazy going on, just our daily routine (which we quite enjoy but would probably put you to sleep). So I stopped writing and just enjoyed reading. And I haven't really missed it.


with baby #2 on the way (surprise if you didn't know!) I decided to pick it back up. While I was pregnant with Molly and during her first year of life the blog was a great way to keep track of everything and I have really enjoyed going back and reading about our life during those moments. I also, shamefully, have still not completed Molly's baby book so the blog serves as a book of sorts that documents a lot of her milestones. I don't want to short baby #2 so I have opted to document this journey like I did with M.

So here we go again, back to the blog. And fair warning...its going to be very very pregnant/baby heavy so if you aren't into that you can check out now. I will try to sprinkle in a few other things for variety sake. And of course some posts on Molly as well (who is no longer a baby, tear).

No better way to kick this off than with an official baby #2 announcement. Lets get this party started!

Someone is a very excited Big Sister!

Look at that cute little bean!
Baby Sono

Here we go again!

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